Monday, April 20, 2015

Blog 5/6

Title: #1 Dad Trophy
Artist: Ariana Isabel Oliveri
Date: 2013
Geography: Queens, New York
Medium: Paper, Glue, Ink, Crayons
Dimensions: 11"H x 4.5"W
Classification: Paper Sculpture
Source: Gift of Ariana Oliveri, 2013

There are many items in my house that are valuable to me, most created by my daughters, this one in particular. This was given to me by my oldest daughter on fathers day in 2013. Of course I have received many gifts from my girls over the years, but this means the most to me. I do not feel I am a #1 dad, to be honest I don't think anyone is. Everyone has their faults, but this is a reminder to me to always be better. I also keep other items in this trophy. If i have done something to become a better father or something I have done for my girls or with them, I put a reminder in their. I am sure most people who don't have kids might miss the value of this, but any good parent should always wonder if they are doing the best for their children, and would understand the value in this.

John Cotton Dana stated "As the collections were of very great value – consisting usually of originals which no money could replace, which should therefore be guarded with the utmost care – the first thought in regard to them was their preservation". This is true for me with this because if lost, she could make another, but it wouldn't be the same. The value and meaning of it would be different. I keep this in a safe place to prevent it from being damaged. Also Dana stated in regards to museums "The kinds of objects – ancient, costly, and imported" These Items are collected in museums because they hold monetary value, but what value does it hold for the collector. These items can be bought, sold or traded because there is no real value. An object with real value has no price, it is invaluable.

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