Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Museum Essay # 2

"Untitled" Ruth Duckworth

When i look at this this piece of artwork look like it had a canvas but  instead of being flat it's  made or porcelain. if you were allowed to touch it i'd describe it as 4d because if you were able touch and feel the texture.  Feels like a puzzle that was put together wrong on purpose for the sake of the observer to put it together correctly ,because if you look at the bottom right and top left if put together you'd could make out a spoon. Abstract art is another way of describing it because even though you can see shapes that would go together is no really representing specific.

"Blue Mountain Horses" Rudy Autio

I seem to be into sculptures because this one also caught my eye .But thats not simply its function because it happens to fit the criteria of both sculpture and painting . The chose of canvas is interesting since  most paintings are on a canvas and 2d while this artwork is 2d it fits 4d cause its painted around the shapes of the sculpture meaning feel and touch this one. It makes use of primary colors (Blue ,Red,White,Yellow )and complimentary colors (Pink, lavender). By another surprise i seem to pick art that is not of one category i see abstract but this it could also be representational artwork since you do see the female embracing the horse but in a way that you wouldn't normally see this depicted in a painting.

" The Path through the Irises" Claude Monet

A painting comes alive to me when it has a splash of color in this painting though you get bit more than a splash here you actually get an explosion of colors . Lets talk about the path which is a golden roadway helping to bring out the other colors in this painting while not pulling focus . The use of blue and  green makes up the shrubbery and while still leaving the bright colors of the flowers yet to be noticed . If you look at it just right its a build up with each layer of colors leaving the top layer of purple for the flowers . This a 2d painting full colors that leaves the viewer with overwhelmed with a appreciation for colors.

And sorry for the lateness of my essay it was just spring break and i had a lot of time to be lazy and relaxed . Why these pieces of art belong in a museum and not in someones house is simply because art is meant to be shared . As cliche as that sounds art is a form of expression meant to be seen by all  because if the artist interpretation is all you go by then you only have one view or perspective not a wide range of opinions seeing more than the artist himself expressed.

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