Monday, June 8, 2015

Blog 10

I remember walking into this art and society class without a clue of what art meant . When I saw art it really didn't mean anything to me till after I started comprehending the terms in class. I learned that everything can be a work of art if you declare it and if it has a title. I went from viewing different types of artworks and not knowing a thing about it to viewing different types of artwork and comprehending the piece of art. I believe that this world is surrounded by art and without art everything would just be so dull , art gives people excitement. Yes I look at art very differently now , it all makes sense to me. From now on I will be going to different galleries, and museums to learn more about different types of art work . This class enhanced my creativity skills. Everything that is art related I view it differently than when I first started the class. The trip I enjoyed the most was our last trip when we went to different art galleries and saw different types of art works . Also when we walked on the high line and saw how creative these people were by creating the train tracks a board walk and including different types of art work. I found this course to be very valuable, now I'm able too look at art in different perspectives ,understand it and use the right terms. Thank you professor for enhancing my creativity skills and for being such an amazing professor.

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