Tuesday, June 9, 2015

W. Rivera's Final Blog post: Reflection

I learned a lot less than what I could have potentially learned this semester by not being full attentive to my assignments and dedicating myself 100%. I always have this problem every time I attend classes of any sort. I'll be there the first day, but quickly will begin to get uninterested in completing my assignments.  Thankfully I had a divine intervention before that process could be insured. I was able to get through a successful freshman semester, barely.

In my Art and Society class was a really big pleasure because I although I did not right many papers I had participated in the class trips to various museums in New York City. These class trips are easily my favorite days of this semester because I’ve finally been acclimated in enjoying the arts as a hobby, as a requirement and because it is the best available idea presently. I definitely intend on spending much of my summer acquiring and exchanging wisdoms based on philosophy of art and the desire of human expression.

One thing that I had definitely been spooked out at the very beginning of the semester and played mind tricks on me was a pictorial representation of a man wearing a sort of “all-seeing-eye” hat. I remember how I felt when professor showed the class that image... I wanted to express multiple emotions simultaneously but did not know what would have been an acceptable addition to class discussion.  

After an entire semester of attending every art and society class I feel I has been ignited and instilled with an ability to express my creative aspects more thoroughly. Although I will never be a painter, or do a sculpture, I’m aware of the usage of new media, fourth dimensional art instances and many new technological advances. Technology has given any and everyone a chance to make art. I even am no longer shameful in my selfie attempts thanks to this class. I feel I can be myself more so than prior to this semester.


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