Monday, May 18, 2015

Blog Post #8 Project

Topic- Brainwashed To Believe The Lies. 

Why I choose this topic because I am someone who was living with the blindfold on and not seeing what was going around the world on how shady the govt. is and the lies told. How many corrupts the mind and power. The freedom no longer there following the society until seeing the truth and stepping back and walking another direction not following the crowd. People get brainwashed to believe what the govt. wants one to believe sometimes people stay quiet because they are afraid but if people we all worked together something can happen, if they were put in our shoes they would see. I get angry with what is happening how the govt. only care for themselves. I want people to find out the truths kids these days are killed with social media, videos uploaded of young children twerking and doing things they shouldn't. The idea that America is big on obesity yet there's McDonalds opened everywhere burgers for less than salads. I mean really? And we consume these suppose pills to help yet they contain worse ingredients killing us. I want people to have open minds and see the truths. 
I would like to work on canvas not sure yet if I want to draw paint or collage the canvas with things people should see. One way or another I want my point across on what is going on. 
The medium would be canvas, like I said debating to use paint or articles glued on, I know I want it to be vibrant bold so the point is being made it will be about an estimate 24x30 it would be a 2D the texture if done with articles meaning paper it would be smooth paint little rough. 
The better question is where wouldn't I put it I would put it on all popular places where parents take their children, McDonalds Burger King KFC Taco Bell. Places where kids take their children or use to I see fewer and fewer kids in parks because their home or on phones tablets. Communication is dead. 
This artwork would be for the audience parent’s children adult’s teens. People need to wake up and see what they eat what is consumed and how that is affecting them. I want people to know what is going on America is supposed to be home of the free but what freedom is there when we need to do what they want follow what they want, eat what they want people to eat. How food is being modified yet in other countries are dying kids have no food water homes, America goes being nosey in other people fights in ways where instead of doing good it's worse. How children act at this generation is out of hand, they want expensive objects outside food. I feel as if people no longer cook. I understand that some parents work all day and are tired but would you prefer giving them food that can kill them faster with heart problems stomach problems then to make them a good meal. It’s ironic like I said that a burger is a dollar and a salad is 6 to 7 dollars. The government isn’t dumb they know you’d buy a burger for a dollar and then they add toys to attract the smaller children. You may say but your chubby you must have eaten outside food too I won’t say I didn’t but I have been informing myself learning from someone who has opened my mind her name is Organic Olivia she has her own website it’s very interesting and informing. Like did you know that Coke can be used to clean your toilet it contains an ingredient used to clean, I mean if your drinking that imagine what it’s doing to your body. I started to be cautious of what I consume into my body. I want people to be aware and be careful don’t let pretty words fool you and make you think things are peaches. Thing’s aren’t okay that’s why I want to enjoy life the right way then feel crappy. I want to help open minds.

1 comment:

  1. I can feel your passion for this topic Jennifer! Good- now let's think of narrowing it down and making the artwork's message be very direct and clear- I think you alked the most about deception and food- so maybe you can focus on that aspect when you make the model. Also, think about maybe doing a side by side piece- with the ingredients or a advertising image with a more shocking image of how you see the problem.
