Monday, May 11, 2015

Essay #3

The first work I chose was an installation  named The Island (KEN) 2015 , this is a mixed installation that looks like a bathtub and also can be a kitchen counter . This installation was composed by 4 people  Lauren Boyle, Marco Roso, David Toro and Solomon C ,they got there ideas from Pinterest . This bathtub was designed to "wash away stress". The person lays down inside the bathtub and the water comes down from up top and wets there body entirely where as in  a normal shower the water comes from one place and you have to move around to get water across your body . Once you get out the shower on the other side there is a kitchen counter where you can cut your vegetables or what ever it is you want to cut or place on top of the counter.The shower is made out of leather and it looks like a couch where you can lay on.The sink is rose gold and the kitchen counter is navy blue and there is also a silver sink near the kitchen counter . I thought this was very interesting because I know that in the future there are going to be bathtubs that actually look like this. You can take a shower and cut your vegetables at the same time and it's quite fascinating.
The second piece of art work I chose was an installation by Antoine Catala called Distanct feel (2015) . This installation is composed of 2 huge rock formations facing one another that looks like an E and an upside down E. This E3 is inside a tank that looks like a fish tank and it has water , and the lights are blue and dimmed. The rock formations has coral reefs, snails, and different types of things you would see at the bottom of the ocean.According to Catala he says this is a new symbol for Empathy. When you view this your suppose to feel an aesthetic emotion and this is suppose to represent all the inundation that happen around the world that are blared out the tv and on the news. This is how Catala represents his feelings for empathy "a literal attempt to bring his new symbol to life". I found this very interesting because the way he related the corals to real life inundation. The corals are alive and so are the snails and when you look at the tank you can see them moving from place to place and that's very cool . 
Both of these art works show new technology because today you don't see a bathtub and a kitchen counter combined together , this is something you would see in the future , just like I believe we will see flying cars in the future. It may take dozens of years but technology is so advanced I doubt there wouldn't be any. Also with the second installation I found it cool how the corals and the snails are alive living in a tank . Corals  usually need to be in the ocean in order for them to survive. I believe that all  the art works they had displayed in the museum are going to be seen in a couple of years in houses, the street and in many other places. 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Evelyn- and a good point about how you can see these kind of things one day being part of everyday life- since in a way, they are objects that already exist in people's homes.
