Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Blog Post #9

Project Name: McDonalds Real Menu         
             McDonalds is a worldwide fast food industry, about 60 million people eat there but lately there has been a lot of speculations about them. McDonalds isn’t all what they show in commercials its bad real bad but most food chains of fast food are bad but McDonalds gets the most applause and attention since they are everywhere! I remember eating McDonalds and enjoying it but as I got older I gained weight upon weight and I would get stomach aches. So I stopped eating it little by little I started to learn how to cook at home and made my own meals instead of eating out. Sometimes I pass by it since it’s around the corner and get tempted but I don’t enter. McDonalds has been losing clients because of they are finding out about them and it’s ironic on how they try to make them seem like they aren’t hiding anything. When they made those commercials about putting signs saying ask us anything. And they made an interview of what the McDonalds food making was and everyone was jolly and happy it’s all to cover and not freak out the clients. McDonalds have their website and you ask questions you’d find answers, America is known for people who are fat and have a lot of fast food restaurants. People don’t know what they are putting into their bodies and what harm this food is doing to them, especially the children. People need to wake up do some research find out what their bodies are consuming and this is why I decided to do some for them to spread the word with others and make them think twice before buying that Big Mac and fries with a side coke. I will do this with art because art is power expresses what one feels about something shows what others can’t seem to see.                            
          So McDonalds feeds about 60 million people every day and these people don’t even know what they just ate. I did some research and found some facts about Coca Cola in Hindustan Times (India) a study shown by Sutirtho Patranobis, New Delhi August 5 says there is poison in soft drinks. The study shows that Coca Cola contains about 30 the amount of pesticide. I mean WHAT! That is unacceptable we aren’t insects. There are activist who believe that the government who can change this does it for a reason to kill us slowly and make their money they treat us like experiments. Now a Big Mac contains supposable 100% beef but does it really? There have been some tests done with food from McDonalds to a watermelon in about 80 days the watermelon decomposed, while the meal from McDonalds didn’t even grow mold in 180 days. I mean the bacteria nor the flies would want it why would you? I mean if it doesn’t decay outside how is it even decomposed in your body? This is why people are getting fat and then have stomach problems the food isn’t decomposed and it’s just piled inside unhealthy. And ads that are shown and hanged showing us what the food looks like but when in reality it looks nothing like it I mean if art is going to be used like that then I want to use it to make people see the truth. And some of the ingredients are GMO ingredients, now with this a lot of people say it’s good but there have been tests done and pictures where the responses to GMO aren’t good at all. Even though McDonalds wasn’t too okay with using GMO potatoes for their fries but they were pressured for them to use the potatoes. Through losing clients McDonalds is trying to change at least some but some will stay and remain the same. Though the market for them is falling they trying to go back up.               
           Art is big to come across with something that you really want to express or feel strongly about, like I do with the food industry and how food is being made. McDonalds have meat that is only 15% beef and the rest is meat filler cleansed with ammonia, which causes those stomach pains and cancer. And it’s not just the what the food contain but what the workers do to that food, some don’t respect what you eat they can be dirty and sneaky. Some spit in your food step on it give you hair in your burgers, people find different thing’s in their food worms flies mice. It’s disgusting and children eat this crap, parents need to be more open minded and be cautious of what their children are eating. The toxins we consume and the unhappiness and depressed we get eating all this crap. The government should do something of this instead of having more open McDonalds there should be more organic places, I mean we buy expensive unnecessary things and junk food how about something good for our bodies? And the kids are brainwashed with the media T.V that what they eat is healthy and good which is not. McDonalds is the world’s largest user of beef. And the deaths of animals are barbaric and inhumane. Though yes we all eat meat but we as one we choose to eat or not it’s in our conscious.                                                                          We as people have the power to work together and fight. To think before we do to speak and express ourselves. We as the people need to create a better society and think better than to do what the government wants us to do and eat. We need to be more serious about the food consumption we intake especially the children who are growing day by day. As we are eating things unhealthy there are other children who are dying of hunger in other countries. There are people who are creating groups people like Organic Olivia who is speaking about the truth about the food we are in taking of the harmful toxins. We need to spread the word of the fast food industry of what our food contain. We need to join together and work together I can’t stand people judging people about weight and how things they think are bad are actually better then what they are consuming. Food isn’t something we play with it’s our energy our fuel and to turn to human beings that can’t even stand is just horrible. We need to take a stand! And do a better job of our health. I also want to add that I would use art and make a renewed menu of what the people are actually eating like this is what is served for today. We need to spread the word and be more cautious!                                                                                                                                             Sources:                                                     

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