Wednesday, May 27, 2015

W. Rivera's Final project

When i had originally contemplated this assignment i had the consideration i was being put to the task of making a genuine impact on my community and not just a lofty idea. With this thought process in mind, I decided i wanted every occupied apartment in my neighborhood to be aware of this Art project. I've chosen to commemorate an old acquaintance, Alex Botero Jr, shot and killed in an Elevator on Halloween 2011.

For my art piece, I've incorporated four images on a flyer to be distributed on Halloween as a remembrance to this fallen being. The images are of Alex Botero, a set of public housing elvators, a pistol and surveillance cameras (credit to Geofrey Ashford). I knew this would work would not be considered art without a title (credit to Dante, philosopher of art) but i kept coming up with terrible ideas, due to my non closeness with Alex. I received a call during English class from Rikers Island from Jason (Alex's real life best friend, who is my best friend now) and took advantage by asking him for help with my project. His feedback led me to the quote "i did not make it out of the projects. will you????"
For the distribution of these flyers i'm awaiting Halloween 2015 to make a total of at least four hundred copies (one for every apartment) and will be putting them under front doors and building lobbies. My inspiration for this effort was Grand Theft Auto 3 (video game by rock star) in which there is a mission that leaves the city engulfed with a promotional flyer of a an actress, after completion of a certain mission. The flyers are nowhere to be found throughout the city before the mission, but are scattered everywhere upon mission completion.
I know that i'm a going to have people talking with this artistic expression when the time comes for it. I just hope it's well received.

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