On April 17th, University of Mary Washington student, 20 year
old Grace Mann was murdered. Grace Mann was a feminist activist with the group
Feminists United. She was callously murdered for voicing her opinion and
speaking out against the hostile environment towards women at her school. Grace
Mann was an activist intent on ending violence against women and sexism on her
campus and in society. My goal is to raise awareness about the dangers sexism,
patriarchy, and misogyny pose to women on a daily basis. I will be doing so in
honor of Grace Mann.
Mann died because her beliefs challenged the toxic masculinity that is a
pervasive presence on the college campus she once attended. I want people to
realize that this toxic masculinity is not only putting our young women at risk
but is killing them. This toxic masculinity, a product of patriarchy and misogyny,
is damaging to every single person in our society: men and women, the old and
the young, Black, White, Asian, Native, Transgendered individuals, gay,
straight, bisexual, pansexual. There is not a single person in our society that
is unaffected by sexism. I would like to make that known that the feminist agenda
is to create a better, safer, more equal and inclusive society for our current
and future generations.
The only artwork capable of communicating such an important idea would
have to be a large scale monument. This artwork will be a 3Dimensional bronze sculpture
approximately 6-8 feet in height. This sculpture would be in honor of and
modeled after Grace Mann holding up the symbol for feminism.. This sculpture will
be a symbol for anyone and everyone who, like Grace Mann, believes in freedom,
safety and equality for all persons. I think this artwork would be most
effective if it was placed on the campus of the University of Mary Washington.
Great plans Tiffani- you might want to try and use a figurative item for your model- an old doll or art maquette- and see if you can try different positions with her arms for a more dynamic pose- like maybe holding the symbol for feminism above her head- maybe lit up??? We'll talk more in class.