Location: 90th
Ave, Richmond Hill
I found
this accidental artwork a couple weeks back helping my uncle unload various
items out of his old warehouse space. The site almost entirely abandoned, this
broken down piano just sat there, completely out of place.
The form of this artwork is 3D. With the piano being the main object, buried by various cooking objects left behind over the years. A large amount of dust has accumulated on top of the piano. There’s actual light being shone from the ceiling onto the area. Starting from the foreground, the texture might be metallic on that object, going into a much more dusty old wooden feel for the piano. Many small objects lie around the centerpiece, they’d all be mainly industrial and coarse feeling. These objects create many rectangular shapes throughout the area and some consist of metallic lines. The overall color tone seems to be dark shades of brown. The piano keys are worn to a yellow while the octave keys remain black. The dust is a grey tone. There’s also a handprint (that I left) on the dust. On the lower right there can be an interpretation of negative space, but I think the objects in that area create their own content.
It’s curious to see such a grand instrument buried in the middle of nowhere. I think more than anything this artwork makes me wonder its history. How exactly did it ever end up here? It wasn’t by mistake that it’s buried in a warehouse. I think it represents an age of change and advancement in our musical technology. In the past a grand piano would reside in the homes of only the most prestigious. Now everything can be condensed into a laptop. We’ve forgotten what these old instruments mean to us, the beauty they produce.
Great job with the composition on this accidental art- shows enough to give the viewer an idea but not the whole thing. Good!