Monday, March 9, 2015

Blog Post # 1

 The Artwork seen here is a 2d memorial painting outside a subway station i frequent for travel. I choose this because art is not just suppose to be abstract,sculptures, or even paintings depicting countrysides its suppose to make you think contemplate or even see into the artist mind feel what he felt in the moment of creating. The color scheme use here was not dreary but bright colors brought forth with black outlines to take away from the mourning of death to the remembrance of life . I sense or even think this was the work of many artist rather than 1 particular cause yes it depicts the fallen musicians but it also depicts young life lost to a motorcycle plus the Project banner was a big give away. Excuse me if i'm trying to hard to come up with meaning and depth to this its just hard cause i choose this of all artwork to describe and bring meaning to it is hard ,art and perspective are a new area for me so if i don't hit on the head please feedback and lots of it .  Recording and commemorating was the objective here not only let you know who the people are in the memorial but to remember who they were and the influence they had on people lives . The Musicians in the painting Tupac,Biggie Smalls, Jam master Jay were some of hip hops greatest artist their music touch people in a way that made them think but also letting people know about where they came from ,where they were going, or what the observed in their lives ,so i'm taking from that information that the artist or artiest had in their moment of inspiration these musicians in their mind cause it provoked these thoughts.  Life is precious memorials are a way of remembering that we take life for granted and live our lives but when you see this you go wow life lost youth and talent go in a blink of an eye never to be seen again so sadness and contemplation are the overall emotion and feeling. I'm not gonna lie when i took this picture i wasn't thinking of art i was thinking assignment that needed to be done follow the guidelines ., but now i see that its much more than that cause i really had to think not just spew facts . I don't know if this is 250 words but all that i have to say or think is in this essay hopefully i gave what was asked of me but i hope it was a little something more than that.  

1 comment:

  1. An excellent choice Jamaal, that really exemplifies the category of "record and commemorate," and by the way you describe your reaction to it I would also say to give "tangible form to feelings." you did an excellent job of choosing and writing about what you saw- great start to the blog. (and you had 440 words by the way...)
