Monday, March 23, 2015

Blog post # 4

Thomas Schütte. United Enemies I. 2011Thomas Schutte " United Enemies 1"

Here we are blog post number 4 and i'm still coming out swinging for the fences so lets get to it . These statues that stand before you represent artwork of the human forms conjoined almost literally at the hip . The title of this artwork had me a bit intrigued because " United Enemies " are not words you would usually find together unless using examples to explain an oxymoron. the art form used is abstract in a sense it doesn't represent any one person but humanity and its issues, because one day you can have a friend who is by your side willing to fight with you over time ; Due to differences in opinion could change good friends into enemies and enemies into friends because now opinions ally with someone else. But then there are two statues one forward facing us and on looking away which if i'm not belaboring a point spoke to the aforementioned conflict. From the "Ways of Seeing " by Thomas Berger it talks about in the first paragraph how man wishes himself to be perceived is usually showing some sense of false strength and not much presence and these sculptures prove that. So  yeah i agree who hardly men view themselves as being all powerful when in reality were just as frail, where in society women are held to a superficial archetype that changes with perception of man's point of view. To sum things up beauty is in the eye of the beholder male or female standards shift and unfair to both sexes.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see how you interpreted John Berger's (not Thomas!) writing to apply o the male figure as well- the limitations of gender typing go both ways. You are doing very well Jamaal in applying the course concepts to your posts- so I'm going to keep pushing you. How would you describe the figures here- what style are they? That was part of this assignment!
