Monday, March 9, 2015

Blog Post #1

Each day I pass by tons of street art. Thankfully I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn basically a living canvas. (Totally recommend visiting here.) This piece as seen, is a black 2-dimensional painting most likely sprayed on using a template, and standing at the size of a 1 foot. At first I was confused of what it was supposed to be because the image wasn't very bold. Now with confidence, I would say it is an image of a Jewish man standing side by side, and or holding hands with a Muslim woman. The way in which they were both dressed gave it away; the male wearing traditional clothing such as a "shtreimel"-a fur hat usually worn on Jewish holidays, and the female wearing a "burqa" an article of clothing which is designed to cover up majority of the female's face. I think the function of this image is pretty obvious; to construct meaningful images/forms, to give tangible form to feelings/ideas and to refresh our vision and see the world in a new way. Personally I would say as small as the painting is, it has huge meaning behind it. "Peace in the Middle East", perfect name for it. The artist is definitely trying to make people look from a different perspective. Instead of being ignorant as some people may be and putting either someone's religion, race, ethnicity, whatever it may be first, everyone should just put that aside and realize everyone is the same, but just with a few other customs. Excuses such as religion or history should not get in the way with making peace with anyone else. With that all said, the artist is trying to set the point that peace is something everyone should consider making if they want to live in an "ideal world".

1 comment:

  1. Great post Dominika! The artwork your picked certainly falls into the meaningful image and forms category, as well as to make the viewers maybe see the world on new ways. Good eyes for spotting this and great start to the class blog!
