Friday, March 20, 2015

Blog Post #4

American Art- Standing Woman
88 1/2 x 44 3/8 x 24 11/16 in. (224.8 x 112.7 x 62.7 cm) 
Brooklyn Museum
Artist - Gaston Lachaise 
                                                                Standing Woman

This painting has a lot to do with what we talked about in class the medium of this statue is bronze and is a 3D sculpture. The style of this Sculpture is abstract altered women don't really look this. It exaggerated the way women look. The style of representation is stylized this woman can be anybody even though he got inspired by his wife Isabel Nagle but she doesn't look too close like the Standing Woman if we were to look at both we couldn't say it was her. He altered this woman to look strong and fierce and stand tall and proud. I'm not surprised that this woman is naked in the early years of art woman were always naked but with this Statue the Woman doesn't look downgraded she is standing tall and strong. Theres a Quote in Berger's Ways Of Seeing where he says "She has to survey everything she is and everything she does because how she appears to others, and ultimately how she appears to men, is of crucial importance for what is normally thought of as the success of her life.Her own sense of being in herself is supplanted by the sense of being appreciated as herself by another". And "Men  survey women before treating them. Consequently how a women appears to a man determine how she will be treated". These two quotes talk about how women will be treated by there image because where we go men look at us and judge us of our appearance and we as women also check ourselves to be fit for them. But with this Statue everything is reverse to what Berger is trying to say this woman is standing tall looking fierce strong or so her body does her arms most importantly the artist who made this said " The Human Body can represent universal meanings". The Standing Woman suggests essential female force and vitality, she was made to represent strength in woman, other people view it of Fertility because that is what woman do is give birth to another human being. I do though think though that some parts of what Berger had to say woman are seen as objects to represent what the artist wants to represent but this artist Lachaise did a whole different thing made the woman seem strong and fierce like nothing can stop her big and make you look at her like she is there she exists. She also has like a grin look on her face like she feels proud. There isn't too much detail around her face or body she seems perfect but not to perfect. What it does show a lot is the muscle apperance she has a strong body. In the years of now there are still woman being painted or done in statue but we have been made differently as you can see we show more or power we are shown with pride and strength. 

1 comment:

  1. very good work here Jennifer showing how this piece in in contracts with what Berger points out about most representations of the female nude. You say that the body is " There isn't too much detail around her face or body she seems perfect but not to perfect." How would you classify it's representational style then?
