Sunday, March 29, 2015

Essay #1 Cody


   Kehinde Wiley's painting "Equestrian Portrait Of King Philip II" (Michael Jackson) 2009 is an oil on canvas painting. The style of this painting is a subjective thought, because it I is a remake of King Philip II defined as pop star Michael Jackson after death. Wiley's main objective in this portrait is to embrace Michael's excellence and highness at his time before death. The primary colors used in this portrait are royal blue, navy blue, red, yellow and gold, the positive space in the painting, all colors on Michael's character to portray emotional effects. The content around Michael is all depicted as negative space, in large grey and white clouds under the miniscule sections of the sky blue sky, giving Michael a more lively image.

   Chitra Ganesh's, artist based in Brooklyn born 1975: Eyes Of Time(2014) represents iconography, mythology, literature and popular culture for feminists and queer narratives. This work of art is a media wall mural that can be located in the Brooklyn Museum. This Mural is of an Indian goddess Kali representing femininity constructed through culture and complexity. Kali made up of a golden clock head, indigo body, with three breasts, with long black and red hair with an actual texture, depicted in an abstract form has several arms majority are severed and oddly distorted as well as three legs and three heads. In the back ground there is negative space within three boarders of color, the top is the negative with a navy blue sky, larger middle portion is white, and the bottom boarder is red creating an emotional effect. Within the red mist of the bottom there is one of Kali's feet on an orb like object which is mechanical in relation to one of Kali's heads, and an arm where she is making a hand gesture.

    These two works of art from two very distinct style artist each male, and female both depict subjective thought. The two artist render iconography and emotional effects through their preferred visual elements portrayed in such a way. Kehinde more of a light element follower depicts the light of a work, while Chitra displays a darker form of work. Chitra displays a woman of power in general, a warrior or goddess as seen with power but a power unknown good or bad. Kehinde portrays a dominant male figure for a specific figure known as Michael Jackson, for a specific time period representing male dominance and royalty in a hierarchy ruled by society.

1 comment:

  1. You have some really interesting ideas Cody, and make some good observations about these works, but I think some of the ideas are not being stated fully. Be attentive to completing the whole thought in your head into full sentences, so your reader understands what you are trying to say. For example, you write "The two artist render iconography and emotional effects through their preferred visual elements portrayed in such a way." -finish that thought! It sounds like a good one! Take some time to read over what you write and see if it says all you want to say-in describing art and ideas this is especially important. And required: 450 word minimum.
