Monday, March 16, 2015

Blog Post #3

Title: Stone Ocean

Location: Some building on 70th street between Columbus Ave and Central Park West

This is a picture of some steps I saw while walking down the street. The steps are heavily damaged and scraped maybe from the door and the people who walk up and down it. All this wear and tear brought about these weird markings that I think look like art.
This piece is a carved sculpture made out of stone. The many shapes in this are organic. They almost resemble waves. The steps look like they are flowing due to all the curved lines. On the rise of the steps there a a bunch of vertical lines that make it look almost as if the top step was flowing down into the bottom one. This sculpture has positive space made from all the scratches and markings made from damage while the negative space is what's left from when these stairs were new. The colors are monochromatic like the ocean on a clear day. The texture of this sculpture is rough even though the shapes look smooth.
This sculpture shows nature in an urban environment. It takes the image of the ocean but creates it out of concrete. It is trying to show a kind of connection between civilization and nature. The message I get from this is that nature can be anywhere. We don't see a lot of nature in the city but before urban development started there was nature everywhere. This is kind of a reminder that nature can still find a place even after urban development.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great title for this accidental art and as we discussed in class, you looked thoughtfully and made excellent observations on the visual elements.
