Monday, March 16, 2015

Blog Post #3

Title: You could still go higher.
Location: The ceiling of Om Factory at 18th and Broadway

      This accidental artwork features mostly negative space, positive space and lines that create geometric shapes. Your eyes are immediately drawn upward towards the 3 vertical circles of light. They are a very bright white and they reflect into the positive space on the right side. Two pipes almost cut this accidental artwork in half. Opposite the pipes is a thin, bright white rectangle of negative space that appears to be conjoined to the front of another rectangle. Colorful cables move diagonally across the space cutting out a triangle. In the upper corner another rectangle is made with a horizontal line. This work is mainly warm and monochromatic. The value changes throughout the piece from being very bright in the two main rectangular spaces to much darker in the triangular space cut off by the cables. 
      The location of this work gives it its title and meaning. It is in an aerial studio, a space where people come to learn, practice and try out new things. There is a lot of failure involved and hopefully a lot of success, too. No matter what everyone is always striving to be better than the day, week or month before. The only limits are the limits we place upon ourselves and we always have to remind ourselves to keep moving forward or in this case, up. Here the ceiling is only a physical limitation and as aerialists we are looking to move past our physical limitations to create something special that we can share with others. 

1 comment:

  1. Great capture of accidental art and observation of the visual elements!
