Thursday, March 5, 2015

My intro!

Hiii, i am Anika. I'm from Bangladesh. I recently moved here in NY with my family. It's been almost a year but i still don't LOVE it here, but maybe i will soon enough. I haven't made any friends so far. I spent most of my time till now watching movies and TV-shows which is also one of my favorite things to do. I love to eat. Life is food, food is life but i hate veggies. Oh, Coffee! My one and only life-saver! No black coffee though. I have a thing for windows and lights. They fascinate me. I love the sky. I can sit by the window and stare at the sky for the entire day. And music. Who doesn't love music? Arctic monkeys, Nirvana, Guns & Roses are my top three favorites. By the way, I am an Aquarius. Best Star sign ever! Google it's traits.


  1. T.v and movies person as well . Though i'm warming up to veggies slowly i wont say i like them all but some are delicious. Ny can be fun it depends on where in Ny you go. As long as the city doesn't fail you you won't fail it ( Arrow joke) lol.

  2. hahahah i got the joke before you even said it.
