My neighborhood doesn't really have a lot of art work.But I did come to see this art work which caught my attention and I presume that, this person made it to get attention. This is a 2D art work drawn on a mural under a bridge. At first i didn't pay much mind to it but the pop of color with the bright red for the heart's made me wanna walk back and see it, I read what it said and told my brother how sweet it was for someone to take time to do something like that for someone special. My brother thought it was dumb but for someone to go through all that trouble to show the people who pass by there that he loves the girl he made that for, people see these and think it's ghetto but for some it's really nice. The amount of heart's drawn around and the bold dark letter's the roses drawn the idea that this person made it to even show when there isn't much light around and the big 5 hearts two in white and three in black, I also noticed that who ever made this also left there hand prints in two of the heart's that are in white as if saying I hope this touches your heart. I also found this to be very heartfelt because no matter the consequences this person was gonna through he wanted to get it done, spray painting can get one in trouble with the cops because they see it as vandalism. I think this art work is to give tangible form of feeling and idea because this artist is giving us his expression and emotions towards the person he loves, and the idea that he wants to share it with other people that pass through it.And this person didn't wanna do something basic he wanted to do something creative artistic and heartfelt. I hope i get to see more artwork around i like seeing murals covered in color to show what an artist feels and thinks. Either something personal like when someone passes on or a statement of love. Art is powerful. Just like this artist made his statement to show his love and emotion to not just his loved one but to the people who pass by it. I'm not sure but i do wanna add that this can also fall for record and commemorate i say commemorate because he did it for the person he loves. To make her remember his feelings.
Nice job Jennifer! You did a good job describing what you saw and then thought about it carefully to see what "functions" the artwrk had. To give form to feelings and to record and commemorate his feelings- you say that (kind of!) at the end. Good start to the blog!