Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Museum Essay # 1

"Eyes of Times" -Chitra Ganesh
"Napoleon leading the army over the alps"-Kehinde wiley

Writing about seeing actual artwork in a museum is gonna be fun because i actually got to see artwork and be amazed and moved. The museum in question is the Brooklyn museum and i visited two exhibits one by Chitra Ganesh and Kehinde Wiley. Kehinde Wiley's re-interpretation of French artist Jacques-Louis David's painting of Napoleon struck me as something to write about because i have seen this painting in other media.The paintings negative space is interesting cause its not one color overshadowing the painting its golden seals repeated off a red background. I wanna say that this is representational artwork but i'm unsure cause while you can see the the person its not actually Napoleon but an black man portraying or replacing Napoleon. Mixing urban culture artwork with  centuries old artwork is by far impressive because its the best way to something new with something old. It grabbed me because creativity is the spice of life ordinary plan old paint on a canvas would have done this painting a injustice you have to think outside the box , and let the muse take you to other places beyond normal. This painting can be described as idealized trying to bring back the thoughts or convey the presence or powerfully distinguished African American man in a militarized role .

We now move to Chitra Ganesh's mural "Eyes of Time". The mural works as one but has individual parts leading to the next threads which displays  a message or leads you to another part of the mural. I'm not going to lie this is a hard on to go into description without me spitting just facts and not my interpretation, what see is three females each done in an abstract way. The first is of a women with two eyes one painted in the negative void almost as to invite you into her mind and see what she thinks. Were guided with thread to the next piece but the thread is not without a message , all ican make out in the few words (quicksand, rainbows, and a brief sentence "the haunted had ") which could only symbolize some train of thought leading to the next piece. The next piece is of the only deity i recognize from eastern culture and that is Ganesh. Again this was abstractly done if you ever seen the actual depiction.  The time piece over the face or in replacement of the face is stumping me even if i had to guess would be that time has changed what is actually changed the thought of spiritualism .The next and last part shows a woman with gears in her hair which could symbolize the workings of the thoughts and images culminating and coming together to form one centralized thought. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamaal- you are doing such a good job in this class presenting your observations very honestly- and yes, some works are more difficult to write baout and I appreciate how you handles this one, by really focusing on what you (the viewer) sees. This is an excellent way to approach a challenging work. Very good job on the Wiley painting.
